Risk Assessment

This section describes the configuration of the risk assessment and how to change an assessment method or define a completely new one.


The tool allows the definition of semi-quantitative scales, which can be assigned to risk metrics. Available scales are listed in the navigation tree as child of Scales, new ones can be added through the '+' button.

Scale image

Scale values can be added (No. 1), removed from this scale (No. 2), or entirely deleted (No. 3). It's possible to change the value order by drag & drop. The first item in the list is considered as the least severe and the last as most severe. The order is important, as it is used to generate a mapping matrix, for example. It is possible to change the value background color and the text color (No. 5). It can be defined whether a value is only shown for assessing the remaining risk or whether it is excluded in the dashboard (No. 6).

Risk Assessment Methods

The tool allows the definition of one or more risk assessment methods via the navigation tree. The method is mainly defined by its (sub-)children in the navigation tree. The method itself must have one child, a risk metric, which defines the final risk score. It can be configured which charts are initially created for the dashboard (No. 1). This can be defined for each sub-metric. Furthermore, a risk acceptance level can be defined (No. 2). The risk strategy gets automatically set to 'Accept' if the risk of an attack scenario is equal or less than the accepted level.

Risk Method image


Note that only the default risk assessment method is shown in the dashboard and reporting pages. The default method can be defined in Risk Assessment > Configuration.

Risk Metric

Each risk metric must have a scale, which can be defined or added (No. 1). It can be defined whether the metric is shown to users and whether an attack scenario has notes for the metric (No. 3). Furthermore, setting the metric value can be automated (No. 2). There are multiple automation options, which set the metric value:

  • Rule: in case of generated attack scenarios, the severity of threat rule
  • CVE severity: the defined severity of a CVE
  • CVSS score: the qualitative representation of a CVSS score
  • OWASP Risk Rating score: the qualitative representation of OWASP RR score
  • OWASP Risk Rating impact score: the OWASP RR impact score
  • OWASP Risk Rating likelihood score: the OWASP RR likelihood score
  • Maximum impact system threats: the max. impact of all mapped system threats of an attack scenario
  • Maximum impact assets: the max. impact of all mapped assets of an attack scenario
  • Maximum likelihood threat actor: the max. likelihood of all mapped threat actors of an attack scenario

Risk Metric image

It's possible to provide further explanation for the scale (No. 4). This explanation can be accessed by users via the info button shown in Attack Scenario view (No. 4).

A metric must have either two sub-metrics or none. In case of two sub-metrics, there are two options: 1) Define a mapping table and 2) use the maximum value. In case of the table, the initial mapping can be generated. The values can also be changed by clicking on them. For the second option, the maximum value of all sub-metrics is used. For this option, the scales must have the same value count.

Risk Metric Sub Handling image


There are a few basic settings for the risk assessment, which can be changed under Configuration in the navigation tree. The default risk assessment method can be defined. The selected method is added to new attack scenarios automatically. Note that only the default method is shown in the dashboard, report, and export.

Furthermore, the used scales can be configured. Changing these scales may have an impact on the entire configuration.


The tool may not work anymore if these scales are configured wrong. For example, changing the rule scale requires to update all configured threat rules. Furthermore, it is not guaranteed that the tool, especially threat generation, still works.