TTModeler supports linking in both directions (from and to the project) in order to meet the requirements of traceability.
Referencing to TTModeler objects
The Share button can be used to create a link to an object (Asset, Assumption, Attack Scenario, Countermeasure, Mitigation Process, System Threat, Test Case, Threat Actor). When the link is clicked, you have the option of opening the link in the browser or in the app.
The project must be saved at least once in order to create such a link (ergo, does not work with new projects).
There are a few prerequisites for opening a link:
- For git-based projects, the corresponding repository must be added
- For desktop-saved projects, the project must be in the list of known projects
- For imported projects (web app), the project must be opened
To open the link in the desktop app, the TTModeler must have been installed with the setup. This is currently only available for Windows. If you need Linux support, please contact us.
Links can also be opened by a Go To function, which is available via CTRL + G, among others.
Adding external hyperlinks
Via the hyperlink menu, it is possible to add external hyperlinks to an object. This can also be done via the shortcut CTRL + K
Issue tracking
Azure DevOps Work Items is currently supported for issue tracking. Linked issues are updated on every project load. If a issue is linked to a countermeasure and the issue state changes to completed, the countermeasure state is updated to Implemented.
Adding an existing issue
Via the Azure Menu, it is possible to search for existing Work Item IDs and linked them to the object.
Creating a new issue
Via the Azure Menu, it is possible to create a new issue. The shown fields for creating a new issue are configured on the Login page.