
🎉 Feature - Create LaTeX Report

  • Download text report as LaTeX sources
  • Zip file contains .tex file along with a img folder including all images

📃 Report

  • Shows the default risk method
  • Content update (risk assessment, checklist)
  • Style update

🎉 Feature - Others

  • Checklist: linked attack scenarios, filter for level
  • Risk assessment: automation of threat actor likelihood
  • CVSS: define default version (3.1 or 4.0)
  • Threat generation: deactivate rule via context menu
  • Risk overview: show tags
  • Option to skip project change detection to increase performance (activatable via project settings)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Minor bug fixes (asset view, stack view, CVE search, project update)


🐛 Bug Fix

  • Incomplete risk data
  • Provide more details in bug report


🐛 Bug Fix

  • GitLab: show and restore commits
  • Create default charts in new project
  • Risk table save visible columns
  • Reload file button disabled for imported files
  • Minor bug fixes in project tree


🐛 Bug Fix

  • Consistency check includes configuration of risk metrics
  • Configuration: delete risk metric
  • Configuration: generate risk metric table


🎉 Feature - Upgrade of Assumptions & Constraints

  • Upgrade of Assumptions & Constraints (ACs) to referenceable and numberable object
  • Moved from 'Characterization & Scope' to separate view in project tree
  • Added definitions to automate risk assessment, allowing to predefine a value for any metric
  • ACs can be referenced in risk assessment and automatically set the predefined value

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Checklist: hide accept/reject buttons if no update is available
  • GitLab authentication: catch error
  • Minor bug fix in MessagesService


🎉 Feature - Risk Assessment

  • This version introduces a new customizable risk assessment:
  • Custom scales (e.g. Low, Medium, High)
  • Determination of used scale for existing properties such as system threat impact or data sensitivity
  • Custom risk metrics (e.g. risk = likelihood x impact)
  • Definition of rules to automatically determine the risk
  • Multiple custom risk methods
  • Support of CVSS 4.0
  • Remaining risk can be assigned to attack scenarios

🎉 Feature - Checklist (IEC 62443-4-2)

  • Extended checklists to full feature (multiple customizable states, export in report)
  • Checklist: linked countermeasures, export to CSV/Excel

🎉 Feature - GitLab Support

  • Support of GitLab repositories, including self-managed instances
  • Save file in beautiful JSON to improve merging (option, activatable via project settings)

🎉 Feature - Dashboard

  • Configuration of the shown charts in Dashboard
  • Dashboard and Risk Overview: shown columns in attack scenario table can be selected

🎉 Feature - Others

  • Project Tree: possibility to create groups for diagrams, devices, and apps
  • Possibility to send a bug report that includes versions and log/error messages

🎨 User Interface

  • General UI update because of framework update (Angular v16)
  • UI improvements on home and login page regarding version control tools
  • Current file name shown in tab/program title

🔐 License Mechanism

  • A license mechanism is introduced
  • A valid license key is required to use TTModeler Pro (read/write or read-only)
  • An active Internet connection is required to verify floating licenses

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Windows: A bug in the windows executable threw an error when multiple instances were started
  • Missing countermeasure state in export template
  • Undefined flow anchors in hardware diagram
  • Arrow key usage
  • Deleting MyTag

For previous releases see TTModeler on GitHub: https://github.com/SecSimon/TTM/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md